Sikh Youth Australia

Posted on 13/04/11 by Devpaal Singh | Category: Announcements Sewa

SYA Donates $2000 To Victims Of Queensland Floods.

Many Sikh families were affected by the major floods and their homes and farms were badly damaged. Some of these families sought refuge in the Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Gurdwara in Innisfail.

Post the January 2011 SYA Summer camp, the Veer Manpreet Kirtan Tour of Melbourne and Sydney raised $2000 for the Queensland Flood relief.With the guidance of Harjeet Kaur Bhela of Townsville, whose children have been attending our Summer camps, dialogue was established with the Gurdwara Committee to ensure that the funds were distributed to the needy.

Sikh Youth Australia is now a registered charitable organization under the Income tax Act 1997.

Any donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

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