Posted on 13/04/13 by Saranpaal Calais | Category: Announcements
Michelle Rowland MP, the Federal Member for Greenway and long term SYA supporter has extended her warmest Vaisakhi wishes to the Sikh Community.
Michelle’s electorate has the highest concentration of Sikhs in the country and has an significant Punjabi speaking population. So much so that within the City of Blacktown, “Singh” has overtaken “Smith” as the most common surname.
Michelle has been a fervent supporter of SYA – speaking at many of our events over the last several years as a guest of honour and dignatory. She also addressed Federal Parliment in response to the tragedy at Wisconsen, US last year.
The following message was recieved from Michelle’s Office.
“Dear Sikh Youth Australia families and supporters,
Wishing you a wonderful Vaisakhi.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Rowland MPFederal Member for Greenway”
The full greeting card can be downloaded here.