Sikh Youth Australia

Prof. Jaswant Singh - Seminars on Sikhi (Melb)

UPDATE: Registration for Prof Jaswant’s Melbourne Seminar series have now closed due to over subscription. We apologise for any inconvinience – any updates will be posted here.


Respected Sadh Sangat Ji,


Following the highly successful inaugural series last year the Sikh Interfaith Council of Victoria (SICV) and Sikh Youth Australia (SYA), is pleased to invite you to attend the 2013 seminars on Sikhism and Gurbani, delivered by Prof. Jaswant Singh. These seminars will:
• Be delivered in English and Punjabi
 • Provide Q&A sessions
• Be interactive & inclusive 
• Provide printed notes at end of each seminar.
• Give you valuable insights into the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Using interactive technology, open and non judgmental dialogue, Prof. Jaswant is keen to encourage a learning experience for our respected elders, parents and loving youth. Originally from Punjabi University Patiala, Prof. Jaswant conducts highly popular workshops on Sikhism in India, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Since 2007 he has been senior lecturer of Sikh Studies at the Sikh Centre, Singapore and for the past 4 years he has been a regular facilitator at the SYA Summer Camps.

Addresses of the Gurdwaras can be found here.

View the program flyer here.

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