Harinder Singh is a co-founder and the Chief Programming Officer of the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) of USA.
The Sikh Interfaith Council of Victoria (SICV) and Sikh Youth Australia (SYA) are pleased to invite you to attend aseminar series on Sikhi and Gurbani, delivered by Harinder Singh.
These seminars will:
• Be delivered in English and Punjabi
• Be interactive & inclusive
• Give you deeper insights into the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
• Provide Q&A sessions
Harinder Singh is a co-founder and the Chief Programming Officer of the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) of USA.He addresses Sikh, Panjabi and South Asian issues throughout the world through articles, workshops and presentations. His activism spans the context of contemporary realities as expressed in art, linguistics, development, theology,and politics. He provides inspirational consultancy for films, curriculum, conferences and exhibitions.
Download the Melbourne brochure